We have some of the most well trained, best behaved animals in the Animal Kingdom. Tiger Paw Exotics is fully insured and can transport anywhere in North America. Click on any featured picture to obtain an enlarged view in a separate window.

Bell Mobility - Yak with Santa hat

Bell Mobility - Large Tiger and three cubs

Heritage Canada - Watusi cow and Pygmy goats

Seldane - Deer in the middle of the road as car speeds towards it

Canadian Airlines - Deer beside a lake, Canoe + People

Kraft Spaghetti - Deer in the woods

City of Halifax - Deer Downtown Toronto

Ice man - made for TV movie - Deer in woods and one stuffed deer

Sears - Reindeer on the road

G.M. - 6 reindeer hooked to sleigh on car lot

Kraft Shake and Bake - Cow and 2 pigs

Bud Light- goat + riding Horse

Eatons- Ostrich

Columbian Coffee- mule

Sony Play Station II - Llama

Top Cops - Llama

Za boomafoo - Children's TV show about animals- 2 seasons, Toronto & Montreal

Christmas reindeer Muntjac
Santa's Reindeer Muntjac
Porcupine eland
Porcupine Eland
Jacob the Goat Missy Zebra
"Jacob" Goat "Missy" Zebra
Belgian Horses Camel
Horses Camel
Contact Tiger Paw for details on many more...... If we don't have it personally, we know where it is. References are also available upon request.
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Tim Height
RR # 3 Arthur, Ont. N0G 1A0
tel : 519-848-6736